Last month I had the amazing opportunity to come on board as the cinematographer for ‘Left Behind’, a short film about two brothers and their response to grief within their family. Being part of SkyArts, the initiative was to provide directors who had less experience, not in full time employment or studying £10,000 budget to create a short. Having the opportunity to shoot a project with a large sum of budget was fantastic.
I was away in India during the weeks leading up to the project, despite that, Carrie (director) and I worked heavily into the project having constant chats and emails to prepare the days ahead. It was a two day shoot and a 13 scene script, this meant we had to be really fast when it came to shooting, and fast we were!
Ultimately, this experience has been a great opportunity for me and challenged me in a way that others haven’t. I was practically jumping into locations I hadn’t had opportunities to pre-visit, working with a less experience (but actually felt quite experienced) director and figuring out what kit we should order from the hire.