I have had the absolute time of my life bringing Kilig to life. It's been both fun and stressful but most definitely worth it. Over the past few months, Jess and I have been doing constant work towards our final film at university and I can say it is really starting to pay off.
When Jess told me about the idea, I jumped straight on it. I didn't think for a split second about going back, but I knew we had a lot of work ahead of us. Amidst a pandemic, we brought limited cast and crew on board. Constant zoom meetings and late-night pre-production calls. Finally being on set, we got to both watch our months of work come to light.
Photo by @AiNarapolFilm / Shooting Scene 2
Onset, we went through challenges. From shooting late nights through tough winds to limited crew and COVID guidelines. One highlight for me personally would be when our lead actress Maria made everybody the most lovely hot chocolate ever. Maria was quite literally a mother on set and I loved it.
From this experience, I can say that I have had a boost of confidence. Growing up, I have had issues about people taking me seriously (probably because I look like a child lol), and for me to step up and direct, having people take my judgment seriously made me feel extremely welcomed on set.
Photo by @AiNarapol
I’d like to take the time to thank the amazing crew we had on set. Jess has pulled me through thick and thin with this project. I cannot stress how much pre-production she has gone through, not only that, she jumped in and sound opped the project! Jordan really helped transform this film, giving me the chance to focus on directing and camera a lot more while he sets up the lights. Ai, I mean what can I say about her? Partner in crime at Yellow Pocket, much love for her doing all the BTS, styling, and acting as Hazel. Last but not least, Shaun, an absolute legend in doing quite literally anything you tell him, (he was 1st AC by the way)!
I'm happy to announce we are beginning our post-production phase. I'm excited to share the final project with you all. I cannot thank everyone who has helped enough with this project. Whether you lent us props, donated, shared, volunteered, whatever. I love you ❤️. #film #project #university #sheffield #sheffieldfilmcrew #sheffieldhallamuniversity #kilig #kilig2021